viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

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  • leekohler
    Mar 7, 07:59 AM
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

    They really think we're the enemy. It's unbelievable.

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  • epitaphic
    Aug 17, 12:54 PM
    The interesting thing to note from the Anandtech review is that to saturate a 2 core setup, all you need is one program. To saturate a quad, you need to be doing a bit more at the same time. To saturate an octo, you need to be doing a hell of a lot of things at the same time.

    Now I don't know bout you lot, but there's only so much I can do at the same time. Sure it helps to be able to run anything I like and still use FCP with no performance hit. So I think a quad is perfect for that. But when it comes to 8+ cores, your actual workflow won't improve in the slightest unless it doesn't involve you having to do anything (eg run 4 instances of handbrake). I'm sure everyone once in a while has some work that can just be delegated to the CPU and it does its thing, but for the most part, where your attention and brain is needed, an 8 core will sit at least 50% idle.

    Considering Clovertowns will have a slower, twice saturated FSB and lower clock speeds, most people will be better off (financially and productively) with Woodcrests. I'm just hoping that when octos are announced, the quads will drop in price.

    Now if they start to optimise apps to take full advantage of more than 2 cores, that's a whole different ballgame ;)

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  • TennisandMusic
    Apr 10, 12:20 AM
    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

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  • BlondeBuddhist
    Jun 10, 12:37 PM
    When I talked to the rep at The Shack 2 days ago he told me to keep checking back for what time they'll be open on launch day. He said there is a good chance I'll know when I pre-orer the 15th.

    As far as how many non pre-order phones they plan to have, he told me they will likely have as many stock phones as they get pre-ordered. Doesn't apply to those pre-ordering as much as those hitting up RS for shorter lines that didn't pre-order.

    I wonder if they will allow me to pay in full on the 15th as oppose to the $50 down payment. Either way I hope this helps Radio Shack out. I have been treated 100X better by the staff there compared to Best Buy OR AT&T. Plus they're prices seem better. When I was there asking about the pre-orders I purchased a car charger/cord to plug my ipod in to the glove box that runs thru the deck for only $37 with tax.

    Blonde Buddhist

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  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 5, 09:51 PM
    Ugh. Final Cut is fine the way it is for now... We need iWeb overhaul!! Make it more search engine friendly, none of the text as an image crap. grrr...

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 20, 09:07 PM
    Well..I wonder if Apple indeed comes up with the Mac Pro update using even the top-of-the-line Xeon, who's gonna buy one knowing that a quad-core processor is coming up in the near future? I mean, I would hold off buying a Woodcrest machine if there's a quad-core is coming up next year..

    I know people will always say that "if you need one, buy one. Don't wait for new machines." But hey, it's a 2 grand machine!

    Perhaps we won't be seeing a Woodcrest Mac Pro at this year's WWDC at all. Perhaps we'll be seeing a quad-core Mac Pro proto-type that will be available in Novemeber or something like that:D !

    I don't know what intel's pricing will be on the is possible that Woodcrest will take a price dive when clovertown comes out and clovertown would take its place, or it is possible clovertown will be more expensive. Kentsfield is I think supposed to be an Extreme Edition?

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  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 12:31 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    Wow... You tap dance worse than Trump does. Just say it, you NEVER liked Obama and never wanted him as president. So your comments earlier were nothing but a lie.

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  • aristotle
    Apr 6, 03:23 PM
    It'll be 100,001 when it comes out in the UK when mine gets delivered..... Roll on Saturday!:D
    Congrats, you will be able to play with the handful of apps designed for it.

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  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 8, 12:39 AM
    When you are as HUGE as best buy, and you are selling a product as huge as the iPad, it makes sense to create a demand. People do this all the time. You can't get it now, so the second it becomes available to you, you buy it in fear that you might have to wait another month. This happens all the time with a lot of products.

    How does that create demand? Instead of actually getting the sale, you deny a sale and hope it "creates demand" so that they'll come back and buy it in fear? Especially considering that they could have just purchased it in the first place and avoided the whole issue. Actually selling out the product and then having no more available in stock would create demand AND generate revenue. Doing what they did would generate SOME revenue and likely cause customers to look elsewhere for iPads.

    Edit: This isn't to say that I don't recognize the concept of reaching quotas for the day and saving products for the next day's quota. That's a different argument. What I'm referring to is that this is likely not about demand but about selfishly wanting to meet quotas and turning away customers in the process. Not creating demand. It's immoral, but business/retail and morality don't always work so well together.

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  • rdowns
    Feb 28, 06:29 PM
    Lee, I agree with you about what you say, but he clearly did say that this was only his opinion. People are allowed that, even if it is hateful and exclusionist.

    Agreed, but when you air your opinions in public, others have the right to challenge them.

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  • tumblebird
    Nov 29, 10:23 AM
    Anyone interested in creating an Universal blacklist of albums then?

    YES AND YES... oh, wait, I don't listen to any of their artists. But YES anyways. Has anyone bought a domain name yet?

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  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    I have a question.

    I don't expect we'll be able to use iOS apps in OS X as early as Lion, and I understand based on the different chip architecture, it shouldn't be able to run at all...


    I distinctly remember watching that first keynote when they made their dev program available, and walked us through the iPhone dev tools, and seeing an OS X On-screen emulator, that would let you code and test your apps as you wrote them right there in OS X, with a big clumsy dot for a "fingertip"...

    If they'll run in that emulator, isn't it conceivable that in some way, your iOS apps would find a way, using that emulator layer, to look something like dashboard, to run in both environments?

    I'm thinking, syncing the data between both mobile and desktop iOS apps would be simple enough to be done automatically, like dropbox for instance, or a basic itunes information sync... Then on your desktop or MBP, you'd have access to content you've created on your mobile device, for a seamless user experience. None of this "sent to itunes, download from itunes" nonsense, with verions all over the place to keep track of.

    I imagine a macbook pro will come someday, with a standard vertical screen and basically an ipad for the horizontal keyboard area. Imagine the possibilities there, of integrating the two ecosystems... how could they NOT give that a try?

    We're not there yet, obviously, but Lion seems like something of a step in that direction.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 11:13 PM
    no one is preventing you from living with the person you love or having sex with him

    Nope, you just want to make sure that we can't have access to the same protections for our families that you do. How silly of me to want that.

    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society

    Not at all. Gay people raise kids just as well as straight people- that's been proven. And we do have families. There is no risk of destroying society. The question is valid. Answer it.

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  • BaldiMac
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    These numbers would imply that there are only 50 million Android devices with access to the Android Market (0.2% of 50 million is 100,000). That's a surprisingly low figure to me considering they are selling over 30 million devices per quarter.

    Is this fragmentation or something else?

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 14, 04:02 PM
    Intel is supposed to start shipping Clovertown CPUs into the retail channel by mid-november. We should see systems based on them by then too -- HP is claiming to have their first Clovertown workstations available on the 15th, so only a month away. I bet we'll see the 8-core Mac Pro systems by the end of November.

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  • Westside guy
    Nov 28, 07:01 PM
    And I don't understand why they should...Can somebody explain it?

    One of the Universal powers-that-be said a week or two ago (my paraphrase until I can locate the original) "Everyone knows that those devices are all about storing stolen music. This is our way of getting some of that revenue back."

    I realize there are a lot of people that use bittorrent and the like, but I'd like to believe there are also a lot of people like me. My music is pretty much all legal. After ITMS came online I went and purchased copies of the (reasonably few) songs that I had at one time obtained illegally. The vast majority of my music is actually ripped from my CDs, which were all purchased legally.

    Edit: From a NY Times article about the Zune ( “It’s a major change for the industry,” said David Geffen, the entertainment mogul who more than a decade ago sold the record label that bears his name to Universal. “Each of these devices is used to store unpaid-for material. This way, on top of the material people do pay for, the record companies are getting paid on the devices storing the copied music.”

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  • guzhogi
    Jul 15, 11:20 AM
    Something I liked about the power supply in my beige G3 was that not only did it have a power in socket, but allso a power out one too to a monitor or something.

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  • mlrproducts
    Nov 29, 10:34 AM
    I think it is a Great idea!!!

    Apple will give Universal $1 from every iPod sold, since the iPod is used to store stolen Universal tracks.

    In turn, Universal will give Apple $5 from every overpriced CD sold because they're only buying that CD so they can rip it into iTunes/iPod ecosystem.

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  • zacman
    Apr 19, 03:18 PM
    HA I knew you were going to say that. developer prefer to develop for iOS. iOS user spend more money on Apps than Android user. Plus iPod Touch user can use the same apps as the iPhone. There won't be a Windows for the smartphones theres already too many players in the game.

    Well Rovio (Angry Birds) thinks otherwise:

    "The company said in December that it expected to make $1 million per month from Android by the end of 2010. (...) Now that the app has seen about 100 million installs across all platforms, Rovio is not getting the same initial bump in paid download revenue from Apple�s app store. On Android, the company doesn�t offer paid Angry Birds apps, but sees recurring revenue from advertising."

    So they make more money with their free Android version than they do with the paid iOS version.

    Apr 5, 06:06 PM
    Would be grand if all this hype was for iMovie. :)

    Apple needs to distinctly separate Final Cut Pro from consumer apps.

    Personally as a Pro-sumer, I'd like to see iMovie align with the iPad version (use the timeline!) and sync to that. I'd like Final Cut Express as an option to do more advanced editing with my iMovie library - just choose which app I want. But these don't belong with NAB announcements :)

    Sep 19, 06:12 AM
    Apple is beyond critique! Omg! :rolleyes:

    I think there are times where you make some very good points, it's just you are very agressive about it.

    You dont need the agression, many of your points stand on their own merit. Others I don't agree with, but thats life.


    Dec 7, 02:53 PM
    So another patch for today adding mechanical damage. Must have the newest firmware...

    Mar 22, 04:27 PM
    Samsung can say all they want about their products. There are the following glaring issues:

    1. Has anyone realize how much less Samsung's profit margins will be on the Galaxy Tab versus the iPad2? (ie. Apple retains a high profitability based on inhouse product development rather than contracting to third parties like other hardware developers)

    2. Given what I perceive to be an extremely small profit margin, I find it difficult from an investor standpoint to endorse Samsung's business model.

    3. It is next to impossible from a longterm business perspective that Samsung can price match Apple in this respect. It's an unsustainable business practice.

    You obviously don't know much about samsung. Samsung makes RAM and CPU that apple uses in iphone/ipad. Possibly LCD too. A4 was definitely made by samsung. It's pretty certain A5 is also made by samsung, despite rumors TSMC will make them for apple.

    Samsung being samsung, they can match Apple in price in tablet forever (well maybe not forever but for a long time) even without making much profit (not that they would do it). Samsung is HUGE. They have plenty of other stuff they can sell with profit.

    Mar 24, 01:07 PM
    Oh. So when a person criticizes Obama for keeping us in Afghanistan, Iraq, and/or Libya, just level an accusation of racism.

    Got it.

    That's not what I said at all but feel free to parse things as you see fit.

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