sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

real estate sign rider

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  • real estate signs. By the way.

  • wclyffe
    Jan 19, 12:59 PM
    One thing I think the kit can improve on is the voice volume of a call conversation. It could be a bit louder.

    Yeah, I felt that too, but it was passable in most situations except for on the freeways. Well, I ordered a Magellan car kit so we'll see what that brings. I am looking forward to just being able to pop the phone into the cradle, case and all.

    real estate sign rider. Real Estate Supplies
  • Real Estate Supplies

  • Burger King
    Apr 25, 09:13 AM
    I'm guessing silence, since burgers don't talk. ;)


    I do and No I didn't steal anything!

    real estate sign rider. Sign Riders, Yard Signs,
  • Sign Riders, Yard Signs,

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 08:02 AM
    The answer of what was typed is 288. If the entity between the keyboard and chair meant something else, they should have typed something else.

    That's all well and good on a forum, but the intention of the author can matter a lot more in real-world scenarios. I completed a my master's research year in chemistry last year, and that involved a lot of equations. If someone in my group had sent me a quick email with this equation I would expect to see-

    (48/2)(9+3) or 48/[2(9+3)]

    This is even more important when the equations I was using were a lot more complex!

    Nobody in the group thought in terms of /, I've never met a scientist or mathematician who thought in these terms. To treat a / at face value when there were no brackets to verify the exact meaning would have been silly. It could have meant hours or days of wasted work and analysis, and that makes it my problem!

    real estate sign rider. I provide a sign rider that
  • I provide a sign rider that

  • johndallas999
    Mar 27, 09:19 AM
    Considering that we're one of the first schools in MN to adopt the iPad as a learning tool, and that there are many other schools that are going to wait a year or so to do the same thing, Apple sure does care, they even send representatives and stuff like that from time to time, lucky for us ;)

    They might not care enough to change launch dates, but they care somewhat.

    No, but it would cause an uproar among our faculty. I know they'll keep working, as you do too, but the other students and staff only want the newest and best. We're on a 3 year contract for iPads, and if they announce new iPads the month school starts, the complaints will never end. One year into owning them is a bit more feasible, however.

    They start coming in next week, supposedly! :) I'm more concerned about how much time it will take to set them up, because we only have 5 technology people at our district, and after I go to college there will only be 4. Thank you economy for leaving us shorthanded :(


    Thanks :)

    Jony Ive comes in to Steve Jobs office and says Ipad 3 is ready to go. Steve is like uh....we can't release it just yet, remember those 1000 units we sold to that school in MN? We don't wanna piss them off so let's hold up the entire rest of the world until next March. Yeah RIGHT! LOL

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  • Real Estate Rider Signs - Mix

  • drew0020
    Apr 20, 07:49 AM
    How about glass that doesn't get scratched when a piece of hair lands on it?

    I like this idea about the glass haha.

    Im probably going to wait out this version as long as iOS5 runs fine on the iPhone 4. If the release date is September than this version will be even more disappointing to me as it seems to be a spec bump. I dont play games on my phone so the A5 and graphics chip probably wont impact my usage significantly.

    I really hope iOS5 is good, but im prepared for the worst ha!

    real estate sign rider. The real estate sign is
  • The real estate sign is

  • jibjab kalonji
    Aug 12, 02:53 AM
    i don't think so. i'm sure apple put some sticky stuff on the processor and the motherboard so that it'll stay there basically forever.

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  • Real Estate Photo Examples by

  • newdeal
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    No thanks, that would use a bunch of my 30gb monthly limit (no other options for broadband where i live). I definately would prefer a usb stick or a dvd. At least if its download only I hope they make it easy for me to burn to a standard size disc

    real estate sign rider. If you#39;re going to put sign
  • If you#39;re going to put sign

  • GregA
    Nov 27, 03:58 PM
    Just to add a little fuel to the fire - I found this on MacSurfer - likely another source, sounded a little different. The plot thickens...

    http://www.smarthouse.com.au/Automation/Display_Panels?Article=/Automation/Display%20Panels/H9R6N2M2The original article here is based on this smarthouse article, and has a link to it :) So unfortunately, the plot stays the same :)

    Excluding the pro and business market is what puzzles me. I can see photographers, artists and others taking advantage of a light pen to draw, anotate, and edit photos. I can see all sorts of people bringing them into meetings to write notes and do presentations connected to a projector. I do not see it being that useful in the home market (other than as a standard computer), but what the heck do I know.What the hell do any of us know :). Interesting to speculate though.

    I'll have to ask my partner about the graphics stuff - she's a high end graphic designer and a painter. My first thought is "the touch screen can't mimic her hand tools"... I figure that the accuracy of where she's touching the screen, the pressure she's exerting etc, will not be enough for real work

    If it provids full laptop functionality (-minus keyboard) and a light pen with solid hand writting recognition, I would certainly consider purchasing. But don't skimp on power, needs those 2GH Core2 duo's) and a decent 3d video card. Great on the airplane also.There is a market for this (not for me), but if they do this then developers will write for it as if it's a laptop... they'll keep thinking inside the box. And if the software is written for a laptop but works on a tablet, many people will simply buy a laptop.

    I can't forsee the other applications possible, but if Apple forces a shift in user and developers thinking then there's room for some great stuff. So far I've assumed the way to do this is to not be full power but fill a different niche (at least to start)... I may be wrong.

    Most home authomation if I remeber correctly is based on X10 or something like that. If it is different than X10, then they would need to also sell little devices that connects to lights and other electical devices so they can be remotely controlled.Yeah, hopefully Apple would pick one of the standards and work with that - even if they also sell little devices to plug into lights etc. It's useful to be able to put a different brand in occassionally.

    real estate sign rider. real estate signs for sale
  • real estate signs for sale

  • doubleusn
    Mar 29, 09:34 AM
    Looks nice as a place to store off site backup type stuff, but I still don't see how all this space as a digital music locker for streaming (again the back up part is nice) is all that viable at this time (Amazon, Apple, whoever) as data is getting capped more and more, and will cost more money as more things look to help you blow past your data-cap.

    iTunes on iPhone in auto = no data usage, no interruptions.
    iTunes on iPhone in auto streaming = data usage, and stream issues ...3G is not everywhere yet.

    It is the future, but I until the US cell company's play ball on a cost effective way to do it (the att/tmoe merger won't help) then I don't see this working so well in the US.

    real estate sign rider. real estate sign riders
  • real estate sign riders

  • Liam8
    May 9, 12:30 PM
    That would be great! Think of how useful it is! :rolleyes:

    real estate sign rider. on a sign rider and presto
  • on a sign rider and presto

  • marvel2
    Jan 20, 01:19 PM
    Let me know how loud the volume is during a call conversation. If it is significantly louder than the TomTom, I may jump ship and get the Megellan unit.

    My car has no sound dampening material :(

    real estate sign rider. Hang your mListing sign rider
  • Hang your mListing sign rider

  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 02:43 PM
    Distribution of Mac OS X Lion through the Mac App Store would of course not be a surprise

    But will be greeted with outrage here anyway, just you watch.

    real estate sign rider. Hang your mListing sign rider
  • Hang your mListing sign rider

  • MonkeyClaw
    Nov 30, 09:18 AM
    salmon, you hit the nail on the head with that post. A device like that would be amazing, I could totally see myself using it in classes, etc. And though I'm not sure about the $300 price point, but I think its completely doable for under $1000.

    real estate sign rider. It#39;s got a sign rider on the
  • It#39;s got a sign rider on the

  • wildmac
    Sep 15, 05:43 PM
    Powerbook G5 on tuesday ?

    GeekLaw: A) That phrase above shall be banned for a period of at least 2 years, at whence time it shall be deemed cool and retro when used in reference to overdue product announcements. B) The phrase shall only refer to products which have not been refreshed for over 1 year. (Servers excluded).

    real estate sign rider. Tulsa FSBO sign - Brokers
  • Tulsa FSBO sign - Brokers

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 30, 02:20 PM
    Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????

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  • ~Listed on Major Real

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 07:22 PM
    In the past, Apple has always issued a "White Paper" on new leading products. I can't see the link for that yet. Anyone find it? :confused:

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  • Zazzle QR real estate sticker

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 23, 07:48 PM
    The past year my right eye's vision has decreased. Interestingly enough that is around when i got my iphone 4, can lack of my eye working and the phone making it easier make my vision worse? Probably not and just a coincidence.

    It's probably a brain tumor due to the RF energy, not at all related to the screen resolution. Nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:

    real estate sign rider. Real Estate Signs by Sherburn
  • Real Estate Signs by Sherburn

  • GoodWatch
    Apr 21, 03:44 PM
    I know many professional situations where a Mac Pro would be ideal as a rack mountable unit.

    Recording studio, on location video production (DIT), and studio based post-production rigs, basically places where other equipment is racked, may need to be secured, cooled, power conditioned, or in mobile racks. Rack mounting in not only for servers.

    And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

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  • Slide-In Frame middot; rider pins

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 04:48 PM
    I still don't think that this is a good idea. If the download version of Lion were simply a Disc Image file, then that would be fine (I could just burn my own or put it on a stick), but if it is on the App Store, then the entire OS has to be packaged as a .app file. As such, it will not be possible to do a "fresh" reformatted installation of Lion without cracking the .app bundle and burning the install data to a bootable disc.

    exactly! if the app's sole purpose was to create a boot disc, then that's awesome. if someone the app could create a boot disc and upgrade the OS, then that's awesome.

    however, if the app will only install lion on a machine running a working copy of snow leopard, then there will be problems.

    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    Aug 11, 11:17 AM
    apple needs to introduce a computer which is between the mac mini and the mac pro tower.

    I want a mini tower, with 2 pci slots. you know something in the price range of $899-999 usd.

    where i can upgrade the graphics card or order it with a better graphics card.

    Some of us do not want to be tied to the imac screen/body. I love to be able to upgrade my own computer's graphics card.

    Cmon apple. give us a mid tier system we can upgrade ourselves. The Macmini just doesnt cut it. virtually the only thing in that we can chance is the CPU, Memory or hard drive.

    The mini and macbook seem destined to use onboard video for the near (foreseeable) future. That's one of the differentiators Apple is using on those "consumer" brands.

    When you think about it, it isn't unreasonable, if updating the iMac's video card weren't such a herculean effort, you could just point "pro-sumers" at the iMac, or 15" macbook.

    The real problem is that they made video card upgrades on the iMac very difficult.

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 03:58 PM
    Nothing wrong with a good ol' bit of Ikea furniture...as long as you stick with the higher quality (I.E non particle board) stuff they are decent...minus the assembly instructions...they should be burnt!

    Those are instructions!? ;)

    Apr 21, 03:14 PM
    I hope so, it would give confidence amongst "Mac Shops" that Apple is serious about its corporate / pro business.

    Nov 9, 12:56 PM
    After being reassured by a number of posts here, I downloaded the Sophos software and immediately did a scan of my HD. I was expecting it to find something "serious" that I would have to let Sophos deal with. It did not. Nothing was found; although the scan took about 45 minutes. At one point (near the end), the scan seemed to stop (hang up?) but it restarted OK. Perhaps it was just dealing with a particularly large file.

    I, too, am not so concerned about viral problems with my MBP but I do receive and resend files from numerous PCs so I suppose have Sophos software "on the job" might make me more responsible.

    I am curious; I seldom find anything is free. How does Sophos recover his investment in this project?

    Jul 22, 02:04 PM
    I would really like to see Apple have a laptop cheaper than $1,100, and I think there would be a definite market for the, especially for teenagers looking into getting a Mac. I know that's unlikely, but...
    Anyways I hope that the MBPs get the processor update (and a new enclosure) very soon and I really hope the MBs and Mac Minis follow soon after.
    I don't get any reason for Apple not too, and I think with Intel it would be possible for Apple to get some cheaper computers out there. It would be nice, but seems unlikely.... *sighs*

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