miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

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  • bretm
    Apr 11, 09:51 AM
    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    I'm not in the video editing biz, but if the pro s/w I use in my profession hobbled my efficiency and workflow the way you are carping about FCP, and there were viable alternatives, I would abandon it quicker than pigeon can snatch a bread crumb. Just sayin'.

    I'm an independent corporate video editor. Work out of the house. I've been doing NLE since 1993. I started with VideoCube, then Media 100, then Avid, and then FCP in 2001. Avid had to get really behind (and threaten to leave the mac platform) before post houses made the switch. They really screwed that up at NAB that year. They had been languishing on the mac apps and releasing certain products- Symphony, DS, etc. on Windows only for a few years and at NAB one sales guy said to someone that they would essentially be phasing out the mac platform. They denied it later, but it was probably their plan. Then FCP came out and for the corporate folks that didn't need to spend 70,000 on an Avid system, it was wonderful. In the years that followed it closed the gap immensely and Avid fought back with cheaper products and options. It became a either or situation, with FCP being the slightly cheaper option. But with the new tech in the last 2 years, Apple has to leap frog again.

    But still, it's so much more than just the app. Which is why Adobe (which has all the features everyone wants in FCP) is having such a hard time getting anyone but hacks to use it. There is an installed user base and an entire generation of people trained on FCP & Avid. And it was just the above fluke that gave FCP an in. It's one thing for an individual like me to switch, but for a company that uses contractors and other companies and rely on compatibility and workflows and such, it's a nightmare. I work with independent producers, and their clients are usually large companies. All 3 of us are using FCP. If I switch, I make life hard on the producer who is cutting together rough ideas on her laptop. When we deliver product, we deliver a product and the FCP project and files so that the big company, who has editing facilites of their own, can make changes without our help in an emergency. It's part of why they feel comfortable going out of house.

    It's the smaller turnkey shops that do it all in house that can afford to keep totally cutting edge and buy every upgrade. But truth is, most good editing should rely on cuts and dissolves. You need anything fancier audio or graphic wise, you should be hiring an audio professional or a graphics professional.

    I have the Adobe Master collection myself because I dabble in AE, PS, Flash and Dreamweaver. But the web authoring has just gone crazy. I can't keep up with all that. And AE is starting to get that way too. For me, I would just like FCP to upgrade and/or reinvent itself so I can integrate new tech simpler. Better authoring for Blu-Ray and DVD. Better web options. Importing file formats without log and transfer BS. And lets tune it up to make it use all the processors and be a ridiculous powerhouse. High end features rivaling Avid, and the touch and elegance of Apple. Plus a few neat tricks like offline editing on iPad or using the iPad as a controller, etc. would be cool and welcome.

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  • It#39;s a Samsung Seek from Boost

  • goobot
    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I dont want to wait :(

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  • pilotkev1
    Apr 10, 02:10 AM
    But it does worry me that the program could become more for mass audience and no longer the pro application it has been for the past decade.

    The pro of today is no longer the pro of the past decade. Pro is a far broader term in 2011. Nearly anyone could be a 'pro' with a little interest, work, and dedication.

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  • Macsterguy
    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    So track me... I'm not ashamed of where I go...

    We are giving up our rights just by typing in this forum on the "World Wide Web" because it is World Wide...

    This was all started by 2 paranoid people that need to throw away their technology and crawl into a cave with that guy with the long grey beard that is hiding from the world (until he gets caught)...

    boost mobile seek phones. BOOST MOBILE PHONE.

  • BrettJDeriso
    Apr 7, 11:23 PM
    I dropped by BB this morning to score an iPod Nano. After standing around the diplay for ten minutes with no assistance, I headed over to the cell phone section to find the nearest Blue shirt. Of course, she couldn't leave her section, so she agreed to page someone. The page went out over the P.A., and in the time it took me to walk back to the ipod case, two "window shoppers" had showed up and were conversing amongst themselves about the merchandise.

    Naturally, the when the clerk arrived, not knowing which customer needed assistance, she addressed them first. When they politely declined her help, she hovered there and stared over there shoulder as they continued their conversation.

    At that point, I politely interjected, "Excuse me, miss, I paged you." She gave me a sideways glance -the barest minimum of an acknowlegement- and snapped, "I'll be with you in a moment."

    It was at that point I drove to the Apple Store a block over and completed the transaction where the sales staff practically threw themselves at me.

    The moral of this story: Eff Best Buy. They don't deserve to carry Apple products. This headline literally made the whole episode worthwhile.

    boost mobile seek phones. BOOST MOBILE SAMSUNG SEEK M350

  • k995
    Apr 20, 06:08 AM
    Samsung didn't stole it from Apple since they were first with the design, end of story.

    No they werent, what apple describes was already shows and build BEFORE iphone. If any apple basicly admits they copied it themselves and should get sued.

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  • themoonisdown09
    Apr 12, 07:07 AM
    I just choked on my own vomit. I really want a new iPhone this summer.

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  • infidel69
    Apr 11, 11:57 AM
    I don't think so.

    Apple will announce iOS 5 at WWDC. It will have a lot of new features people whose contracts are ending will drool over.

    They will announce that iOS 5 will be available with the new iPhone 5 in September/October. This will give enough time for developers to make new apps and people to not jump to new contracts, because of what is promised coming soon.

    Of course, hackers will get beta versions of iOS 5 installed on their iPhone 3s and 4s to keep them happy, for the summer.

    Those new features will have been available on competing phones for months by the time the iphone5 is available. They won't really be new for anybody but Apple. Sure the die hard Apple fans will wait an eternity for the next iphone but alot of people wont.

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  • akm3
    Apr 5, 10:17 PM
    About time. FCP is aging poorly. The engine is still Carbon and based around the old QT, which means that a lot of functions only use two cores at the most. I think we'll finally see Apple seriously leveraging GCD, OpenCL, etc here, although don't expect video compression to use OpenCL if the lousy quality of CUDA encodes is any indicator. Maybe Apple will add support for QuickSync on Sandy Bridge.

    Also, Compressor is a damned joke. When your "Pro" software encoder gives you less options and lower quality with longer render times than free alternatives, you really need to go back to the drawing board. Yes, a lot of folks use hardware encoders, but really, if you're going to include a software encoder, at least make it as good as free software...

    Is for example Handbrake better than compressor? i.e. higher quality h.264 files and/or smaller file sizes and/or faster encodes?

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  • Boost Mobile BlackBerry

  • tyroja00
    Sep 19, 08:02 AM
    Apple's reliability? Care to elaborate more specifically? Good high quality well designed never dying logic boards that run at 40-ish degrees Celsius for one? :p

    Well I have had 5 PC laptops in the past 7 years, through work and personal use. Other than the IBM, I have had various unacceptable problems from frequent crashes to jacked-up touchpads that go where they please. My second hand PB has yet to do anything, not one crash. Also, I have taken apart my laptops (b/c I am a geek like that) and I must say that Apple laptops are a work of pure attention to detail. Finally, just read consumer reports for reliability. Apple smokes everyone. But, I also think that a lot of issues arise in PC's due to people not knowing how to maintain their computers and their computer's software.

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  • Hellhammer
    Dec 9, 10:08 AM

    Even though I sometimes get bored of your constant dissing of GT5, those are my thoughts as well. There are way too many things and all have been done pretty mediocrely.

    For example the karting, there are like 6 races of that. As they added it to the game, why couldn't they just put a decent amount of those races into the game then? Seems like a waste of money and time to add such things that are barely used.

    I agree 100% that there are way too many cars. Well, maybe not too many cars but too many crappy and totally useless cars. I wouldn't mind if there was 1000 great sports cars but since most of them seem to be some regular cars that start to cough when you go +100km/h, it's pretty ridiculous. Nobody wants to drive cars like that, people want speed!

    Some cars from GT4 also look fairly bad (blurry texts, license plates and stuff like that) which is a shame. 6 years of waiting and they end up transferring cars from an old game to a new one.

    Menus are what I expected from a Japanese game, horrible.

    It's not a bad game but it could have been a lot better

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  • 11thIndian
    Apr 9, 02:32 PM
    11thindian, do you still think it's only professionals that I know?

    Of course not. The proliferation of people who say that they have migrated to another platform indicates that for varying reasons, be they technical, workflow, or otherwise... some have left FCP. There are reasons to do that. I would just rather people state personal experience for what it is; rather than paint broad, unsubstantiated remarks like, "Apple is bleeding market share to Premier!". State what's happening for you in your neck of the woods. That's educational for everyone, rather than being combative.

    Heck, my first 4 years in NLE was on AVID. Why did I switch? Primarily because that's where my market was going. I couldn't stick with FCP if all my clients decided they were going to make a switch to another platform now.

    My biggest confustion is with people already labelling this iMovePro. There's no solid evidence of this. Apple hasn't let the product lay fallow, they've recovered from an internal crossed wires as to platform direction in which resulted in a modest update with FCS3, but have been working on a complete rewrite.

    If Apple were just delivering a reheated 64bit FCP7 that could play DSLR footage natively, THEN I'd be worried! But by all accounts they've rewritten from scratch, and completely rethought the product, the goals, the interface. That takes a lot more time and effort.

    Until the cat is out of the bag, I prefer to be more interested than worried.

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  • shawnce
    Aug 7, 09:42 PM
    Running the preview now... some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what was talked about in the keynote.

    The new Core Animation stuff looks simple yet powerful and will increase the visual effects and feedback that application can do with only minor work on their part.

    Also new Xcode Tool capabilities are well... great to have (need to review what is available publicly before I can comment more).

    Next spring Apple will have a good answer to Vista with little disruption to end users and developers (unlike Vista).

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  • The Samsung Seek takes average

  • reden
    Apr 6, 03:14 PM
    You list ONE issue with the iPad, that it looks too much like the iPhone, and then go on to a laundry list of issues on the Xoom that culminates in a tech support call and THAT is your preferred device?

    Rock on winner. I have a bridge I want to sell you.

    This guy, lol. I removed my comment because I'd waste my time with you. :):):)

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 04:13 AM
    You can condemn me to Hell if you want to, I'm still gonna bump uglies with my girlfriend.

    On another note, please join us in the 21st century. Why is it so important to you what other people do? Wouldn't it be very crowded in Heaven if everyone did as you said?
    I have no right to condemn anyone to hell.

    If heaven were very crowded, it wouldn't be very heavenly, would it?

    boost mobile seek phones. BOOST MOBILE SAMSUNG SEEK M350

  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 26, 12:39 PM
    Because Apple customers care about Apple and they want the best and reasonable services from it. Unfortunately, this is not the current case.

    I am sure most people agree that Apple's current way of handling the battery replacements leaves lots of rooms for improvements, particularly in non-US areas.

    We also shouldn't feel good just because Dell also does not handle it too well. After all, Dell has more batteries to replace and has a shorter period of time for preparations. Supposingly, Dell provides bargain PCs, while Apple tends to charge a premium for their products. Can't Apple customers deserve better services? Shouldn't Apple be better? Should we all lower our expectations from Apple and ask for a cheaper price instead?

    You might want to determine whether the way Apple treats its non-US customers is due in part to Apple's negligence or hurdles for doing business in these non-US nations.

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  • These covers are fun, easily removable and changeable. We carry a full line of Boost Mobile Accessories. Click on the

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 22, 09:08 AM
    Gonna get a ton of switchers - even if they only ever run Windows XP on it.
    One big problem with running XP, though, is that you need the Boot Camp drivers from Apple.

    If the MacIntel Pro were able to use any available device (any graphics, any PCIe card which has a Woodie driver, ...), then buying one to run Vista or Windows 2003 would make more sense.

    As long as you're tied to proprietary drivers, though, it isn't nearly as attractive. There shouldn't be any Apple software needed to run Linux, Solaris or Windows, outside of a bog-standard BIOS implementation.

    Hopefully, however, the Apple pricing will push down the prices on other Xeon workstations. It doesn't make a lot of sense for a comparable Dell to be $600 more than an Apple.

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  • Samsung Seek Prepaid Cell

  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 03:01 PM
    Sigh. The iPhone is still gaining market share. Not losing market share.
    Yes they are.

    Apple's doing a great job with one exception.

    It's the fact that they just can't be happy and celebrate all they've accomplished.

    They have to desperately dive into the slimy gutter and fire off law suits.

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  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 05:30 PM
    Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.

    I completely agree, but let's be honest, Apple and Microsoft fans are no different.

    Jul 14, 03:21 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.

    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    Against this, you have the confusion generated by a Mac with two optical drives. I have a Mac with two optical drives (an in-built combo drive, and a FW DVD burner), and it's not terribly elegant. It's fine when reading disks (obviously), but writing them generates some confusion. How sure am I that I'm burning to the right drive? I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying this would be unbelievably un-Mac like. It'd be like the next version of iTunes coming with a menu at the top of its window.

    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.

    Copying DVD's, nowadays people are backing up their own materials. Most dvd copying would be making backups of your own discs. Burning multiple discs would be a great option as well. And bluray drives will be INCREDIBLY expensive when these machines ship, not to mention who knows how well they will burn cd's and dvd's (assuming that all bluray drives will be burners, none of them readers only). Many people will want to wait and add a bluray or hd-dvd later, especially since nobody knows which will be the winning format.

    Mar 23, 10:10 AM
    LG and others had semi-smartphones with 3.5" screens back in 2006 and early 2007

    Do you know what an iPhone is and does?

    How is that comparable?

    I have an original Palm PDA still shrink wrapped from the store from 1994. What relevance is that?

    Are you trying to imply that those devices were in the least bit similar to an iPhone besides relative dimensions of the screen?

    Aug 11, 12:16 PM
    I really don't put too much stock in what ThinkSecret has been saying. They've really missed the mark a lot lately as far as the redesigned Mac Pro casing and other things too numerous to mention. It's almost as if they'll just publish anything that even vaguely refers to Apple. The only thing ThinkSecret is good for is keeping up with Apple lawsuit against them.

    Apr 10, 05:41 AM
    anything less than the following will be a huge disappointment:

    - touch-based editing release together with a huge "iPad"/editing board (probably connected to the main computer with Thunderbolt)
    - professional features intact and developed
    - integrates nicely with DI systems such as DaVinci

    jon m.

    Mar 31, 03:04 PM
    From now on, companies hoping to receive early access to Google's most up-to-date software will need approval of their plans.

    Emphasis on the important bit for those who didn't bother to actually read the article. If you want to wait a bit, you can get the code and do whatever you want. Well that's my reading of it anyway, but please, don't let get in the way of giving the new enemy number one a good kicking.

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