miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

earth day posters by children

earth day posters by children. Earth Day 2011
  • Earth Day 2011

  • i.mac
    Apr 27, 08:47 AM
    A "bug" right? ;)


    earth day posters by children. Beginning on Earth Day,
  • Beginning on Earth Day,

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 10:24 AM
    35 mins til 9......the apple store is still healthy ....new product update unlikely to happen :(

    earth day posters by children. Make your own Earth Day Poster
  • Make your own Earth Day Poster

  • SeaFox
    Aug 5, 06:04 PM
    I can't believe it's only two days away, how time flies.

    I'll be expecting the new Mac Pro to show up (order now, shipping in 6-8 weeks) and new displays (to match the Mac Pro's new enclosure, and becuase they haven't been updated in waaaay too long).

    I don't think anything iPod-related will happen, but I'd really like them to update the Shuffle if they're going to.

    earth day posters by children. celebration of Earth Day
  • celebration of Earth Day

  • rockthecasbah
    Jul 27, 01:35 PM
    This means that Apple could easily upgrade the existing Intel-based Macs to the newer processor with no design changes.
    Not many people seem to be making too much of a deal about this, but i don't like the sound of that. It's great for upgrading a Mini or iMac, but i really want fresh new designs for the Mac Pro and MacBook Pro. If that is the case, Apple may just wait longer for a design change just because they can! It's not like i'd turn one away, but the current designs are tiring... Oh well i'll still be excited if my "fears" are true, but i really want a fresh design.

    Am i the only one that seems to think that WWDC is getting clogged up with TOO many things? I mean sure the more Apple products released/updated the better, but this keynote seems to be taking a lot of emphasis off of Leopard previews (according to the rumors) to focus more on new products. iPods galore, Mac Pros, MBPs, Mac Mini (maybe), whatever at this point, i mean where are we really fitting in Leopard other than a quick flash!?!

    earth day posters by children. earth movie poster
  • earth movie poster

  • 0815
    Mar 31, 05:05 PM
    Apple realized long time ago that it is bad if the cell service provider has too much freedom, puts too much **** on the phone and customizes it in ways that it is no longer maintainable ... they got bashed as being too closed.

    But now people finally realize they were right:
    - android is getting too fragmented because service providers are either too slow to provide updates or refuse to update at all for current phones
    - microsoft just realed an update to their mobile7 - guess what: service providers are too slow to update the brand new phones - weeks after the MS release they still need many more weeks to 'test' and 'adjust' for their phones

    What good is it to have an OS that claims to be 'open' but you still can't get updates because the openess was abused by service providers who struggle to re-adding their ****.

    earth day posters by children. This shirt is for those kids and families that believes that every day should be their Earth Day. This Poster becomes a priceless billboard for kids that
  • This shirt is for those kids and families that believes that every day should be their Earth Day. This Poster becomes a priceless billboard for kids that

  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 03:37 PM
    I have Mirror Door. How can I burn DVD (top) and CD (bottom) at once via Toast? I have tried and nothing worked, Toast only focus 1 thing at a time. Or am I wrong? :confused:

    Make a copy of Toast and use one copy for one drive and the other copy for the other drive.

    earth day posters by children. Earth Hour Quotes: Earth Day
  • Earth Hour Quotes: Earth Day

  • lord patton
    Aug 16, 11:31 PM
    (sideshow bob)The Power PC...The!!!(/sideshow bob)


    I don't know what ROFL stands for, but from context-clues, I'm thinking it means pretty damn funny. In which case, ROFL, dude.

    earth day posters by children. Earth Day Coloring Pages for
  • Earth Day Coloring Pages for

  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 03:23 PM
    The photo templates in Mail look pretty nifty. The ability to crop and scale inside a pre-defined space would make a nice new feature for iPhoto books, so I suspect we may see more of this feature in iPhoto when iLife refreshes in January.

    The improved functionality in Mail looks great!

    earth day posters by children. the free Earth+day+posters
  • the free Earth+day+posters

  • iMikeT
    Aug 25, 03:48 PM
    I tell you, I've had nothing but trouble with Apple. I'm young, I'm a medical student (so relatively affluent), and I'm a "switcher." That switching part, that was a mistake. Mac OS X is beautiful software, I love it. Unfortunately I've had a lot of problems with the hardware. These days it's enough I wish I still had my IBM/Lenovo laptop--that never gave me problems.

    earth day posters by children. Earth Day is celebrated
  • Earth Day is celebrated

  • milo
    Jul 27, 10:57 AM
    All of the reviews of the Core 2 Duo say that it crushes AMD in the desktop arena. This is good news, now we just need new iMacs, MacBook Pros, and Mac Pros.

    And minis.

    I'm guessing we get the towers at WWDC and probably meroms in the macbook. Most if not all the other models will get updates, but they can't do them all at once, I'd bet they'll follow up with separate announcements in a few weeks.

    Core 3 will be out before Vista is. I'm going to call it now.

    Well, duh. That's already pretty much been announced. Vista will be next year, and quad core intel chips are supposed to be out before the end of the year.

    wasn't this announced last friday? (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060721145043.shtml)

    Yeah. But today, it happened.

    Does anyone know if the chips that are actually shipping are the same as the prototype chips?

    YES! That's the whole point of a prototype.

    Sorry if i missed it, but at what speeds do these run? Don't they know just because they keep bumping and bumping the chip speed don't really mean they have a faster system. Seem just like yesterday when a better design was more important than a super fast chip. Oh well, everyone is buying into the Mhz myth now. Funny that just a year or so ago, Apple was trying to shoot down the Mhz myth, now they have people cheering for it. I guess power consumption is good though.

    You really need to read about this...these chips are just a little higher clock speed. But they have a 20%+ boost at the same clock speed. They ARE making better chip designs instead of just bumping clock speed. Intel/Apple is actually doing pretty much the opposite of what you accuse them of doing.

    earth day posters by children. RAN#39;s annual Earth Day poster
  • RAN#39;s annual Earth Day poster

  • Malithion
    Mar 26, 11:12 AM
    Ignoring all else what I want is the ability to run my IOS applications on Mac OS. :)

    earth day posters by children. Army Earth Day Poster
  • Army Earth Day Poster

  • Nuck81
    Dec 8, 07:33 PM
    Anyone notice that the last 1/4" inch of travel using the triggers on the PS3 controller is not used. It ramps to max throttle far before one is there. ALSO in this day and age, one should be able to adjust endpoints and ramping on triggers and sticks. Ugh. I should stop being used to my $500 RC car and helicopter transmitters.:cool:


    I use the triggers exclusively and can hold a corner at any speed, with any car you want me too.

    The more powerful cars you have to turn down the accelerator sensitivity in the LSD to help you manage the power. Just like real race car drivers do.

    With everything you've said in this thread that is just flat out incorrect, I'm beginning to think you don;t even have the game (or suck at it) and are just parroting the negativity and hate that other people who don't have the game do.

    The game has it's little faults, but it is far from the fanboy backlash that has been seen on lots of review sights and message boards.

    earth day posters by children. earth day posters images.
  • earth day posters images.

  • Maltz
    Apr 27, 10:52 AM
    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

    The difference is a question of access. To get at the records kept by your cell phone provider, you need a subpoena. Any roommate/guest/thief/stalker with access to your computer or iPhone can get the data off your iphone or the backup as it exists right now. I don't mind the former, but I want to do everything I can to prevent the latter.

    earth day posters by children. earth day posters 2011.
  • earth day posters 2011.

  • daneoni
    Aug 26, 09:26 AM
    Get with what program? I went to the support site on the day the recall was announced, checked to see if my serial number was in the range, it wasn't, and I went on with my life. Just to be safe, I even checked back a couple days later, and the ranges were still the same as the first time I checked.

    I had to do the same thing wheh I was checking out our Dell laptops at the office. It's really not that difficult a concept. I think some people just like to have something to complain about.

    Some sites were reporting wrong ranges, at the end of the day its which site alerts you first, in my case it was MR and they didnt get it right (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml) initially which is.......confusing

    earth day posters by children. earth day posters 2011. my
  • earth day posters 2011. my

  • RHutch
    Sep 13, 09:21 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    I was wondering the same thing. How can people not be pleased with this? The fact that the processors can be swapped, the fact that the OS recognizes all 8 cores, and that it was so difficult to use all of the processing power. What is there to complain about?

    earth day posters by children. Earth+day+poster+contest
  • Earth+day+poster+contest

  • eoblaed
    Apr 25, 02:41 PM
    �We take issue specifically with the notion that Apple is now basically tracking people everywhere they go,� Aaron Mayer, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said today in a telephone interview. �If you are a federal marshal you have to have a warrant to do this kind of thing, and Apple is doing it without one.

    Hyperbole and ignorance all in one fell swoop.

    Apple isn't tracking people. Your device is storing data. The same way it stores all your contact information, your text conversations, your photographs, and your web history -- yet no one is claiming that Apple is tracking your text conversations or contact information.

    It angers me when people like this Mayer guy not only take advantage of people's lack of understanding about what's going on, but exploit it for sensationalistic gain. I'd love to poke him in the eye.

    earth day posters by children. earth day posters ideas.
  • earth day posters ideas.

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:38 PM
    Wounded, Apple will go on strike and remove all GPS from future devices now. ;)

    earth day posters by children. 2010 Earth Day Poster Contest:
  • 2010 Earth Day Poster Contest:

  • jeanlain
    Apr 12, 02:14 AM
    - removal of "insufficient content" ...
    :confused: so FPC should create content?
    The major thing, though, is they HAVE to start utilizing multiple cores. It's not and as video gets larger, rendering gets more taxing.
    They do. FCP regularly uses more than 100% CPU during render. Not saying it can't be improved though.

    earth day posters by children. FROGS ARE GREEN Earth Day

  • DeathChill
    Aug 5, 05:41 PM
    Kevin Rose (?) usually reveals all the proper stuff a day or so before, no? Wonder if he'll have it this time~

    Apr 27, 10:20 AM
    Ever been to NTTC Corry?
    Oops, you deleted your PS.

    No sir, trained at DLI Monterey and Goodfellow AFB. Damn, how come the Navy always has the bases at the nicest spots? :)

    Aug 6, 10:15 PM
    Woot on site ... look at all the geeks :)

    First shirt says "Veni. Vidi. Codi." on the front and "WWDC06" on the back.

    ...and yes those banners making fun of Vista are real.

    Sep 19, 10:35 PM
    Why should it bother you that new processors come out?
    why shouldnt it?

    Apr 12, 02:24 AM
    :confused: so FPC should create content?

    They do. FCP regularly uses more than 100% CPU during render. Not saying it can't be improved though.

    "Insufficient content"
    Is an error message that pops up at random. Very frustrating.

    But Compressor don't. At least not if you send something from FC directly. You have to create a QuickTime file first, then open that in Compressor, then it will use all your cores.
    BUT only if you have manage to set up Qmaster correctly first. It took me 5 days online to figure this out and make it work properly. I still come to post houses where they haven't figured this out.
    It shouldn't have to be this complicated

    Major Majors
    Aug 7, 08:45 PM
    I had no idea what the "open in dashboard" image was for, but I called it out on the Apple Discussion board 9 months ago. Apparently this has been in the works for Safari for QUITE some time


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