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  • DaveP
    Aug 6, 05:34 PM
    I find it amusing how optimistic Mac users are. Every once in a while Apple has an event where they really wow with product releases, but seems like 9 out of 10 people are predicting amazing releases. By the way, I'm not criticizing in any way, and being optimistic is good.

    I'm predicting Steve will annouce his retirement :eek: :p

    Probably about as likely as some of the wish lists we've seen, haha.

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  • patrick0brien
    Jul 20, 12:28 PM
    There might be rare exceptions in the professinal area and of course it makes lots of sense for a server, but for a single user machine?


    I just kicked of a 6450 frame render on Gabriel (see specs below). According to the average frame time, it'll take until August 4th to complete.

    I'd reeeeeally like this alleged machine.

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 22, 01:07 PM
    I love the way the Playbook handles Multi-tasking, and how the OS looks. But not enough to make me switch.

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  • three
    Nov 12, 03:07 PM
    Here's the official release notice from Sony.


    as well as the car list and the track list.


    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only, and not surprised there's no Porsches, since I believe the license to use Porsches are exclusive to EA, no other game from any company really has them. But, I am hoping that GT5 will be released on the 24th, for real this time, instead of being pushed back for the 40,000,001st time.

    Today was a great day for Gran Turismo news. The Mazda 3 (Axela) I drive in real life is on the game, and the tracks look nice.

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 1, 08:15 PM
    I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.

    Lmfao!!!! That is the DUMBEST thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Yeah, gay people can live together but no sex! Hmm, doesn't that kind of go against the whole point of being gay? I'm sorry that's the only response I can come up with, it's just that the ignorance in your post is too overwhelming for the average person to comprehend.

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 18, 12:55 PM

    New pics and stuff.

    An official feature list is nice too:

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  • Blue Fox
    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.

    And even if they did, what would they do with it? Go to my friends house and come visit me at my address? All that information has been in the local phone book for decades.

    Not to mention, doesn't the file only store the nearest cell tower and/or WiFi network? I've even read that it can be 2-5 miles aways from where you were even at, hardly the "tracking" people make it out to be.

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  • Tymmz
    Aug 8, 01:09 AM
    Nothing impressive really... top secrets should be good.

    Time Machine is ok. It looks awful for an Apple product, what is up with that background? Ugly.

    I totally agree, it looked quite ugly.

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  • DeVizardofOZ
    Aug 27, 09:48 AM
    Yes, people have every right to complain when they receive faulty products, particularly so when they're paying good money, as they do when buying Apple. But whether Apple's QC has suffered significantly as they try to keep costs down due to the market pressures of increasingly feasible like-with-like comparisons with PCs, as well as meeting an increasing consumer demand, is debatable? Though there certainly seems to be a worrying increase in complaints about the new Intel Macs, I wonder how much of that is down to perception as more people use the internet as a channel to vent their complaints? Regarding the new Intel Macs, the jury here is still very much out (& will remain so for at least another 6 months). Not least because...

    Recent surveys continue to give Apple an excellent rating for overall quality when compared to other brands. (Only Sony's computers get similar ratings). Talking about "25% crap products" may feel good as a rhetorical release, but it doesn't really help the debate here.

    Good point, however, about how Apple's market share could've been so much greater if only SJ had licensed out OS X. A great opportunity missed.

    Thanks mate, of course I vent my disappointment regarding the overall quality issues. In any case, it should not be luck to catch a good piece of hardware from a company like APPLE, right? It seems as if the hardware quality has in general decreased, I suspect partly because of the place where this hardware is now manufactured... CHINA. I have my own experience on a corporate level with a large mobile phone manufacturer...

    I found that there is a general lack of understanding what quality should be, and especially how long it should last:rolleyes:


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  • EagerDragon
    Aug 25, 06:45 PM
    Apple needs to address this situation appropriately. As their products gain higher profile, as their customer base increases and they gain market share, it's only logical to think that there will be a greater need for support. If nothing else, it's simple math - more Macs out there = more problems! Esepcially with how well the Intel Macs have been selling, I think Apple would be foolish to think that what was good enough a few years ago is still good enough today in terms of support.

    Apple must also realize the importance of first impressions. Now more than ever new switchers are coming on board to the Intel platform, and if they have problems right off the bat and poor customer service and support, that's going to leave a sour taste in their mouth, and perhaps they may just get fed up and switch back.

    Apple is so good at so many things - let's hope they ensure this is the case for their Support services as well.

    Well said, I think you hit the nail on the head.

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  • JAT
    Mar 22, 02:06 PM
    I'm glad that RIM and Samsung come with those prices.
    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.
    Come: present tense. See: iPad2
    Will come: future tense. See: Samsung tablet.
    May come: conditional tense. See: RIM tablet.

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  • georgi0
    Sep 19, 01:08 AM
    i agree and i believe that Apple should keep at least for 1 year the same models before updating, except when a new tech comes out like true 64 bit support.

    let's see now....

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  • Willis
    Jul 27, 03:58 PM
    It's always a little alarming when a post starts "sorry if I missed it but..."

    The 2.7 G5 will be the highest clocked chip in a mac for a while, but probably not the fastest. In a number of benchmarks, Yonah has already beaten dual G5's, the conroes and woodrests will likely widen the gap even more.

    true.... didnt the Macbook outrun a G5 in final cut studio or something?

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  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 07:39 PM
    They still can not have valid sacramental marriage

    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriage

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!

    You do realize that the Church did what doctors said to right? They followed the medical professional advice that after treatment they were harmless and could go back.

    Now priests can't even defend themselves, now it is guilty until proven innocent, also you don't get a trial to prove the innocence!
    Do you not think that the priests should be jailed for raping children?
    Crimes against children are usually seen badly in the public eye. The priests should not be an exception.

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  • balamw
    Apr 6, 04:14 PM
    That's why Apple lost around 30% marketshare in less than two months when the Galaxy tab was released? You know: That's the tablet that runs an outdated phone OS and not even a tablet OS...

    Link? Wasn't there the whole story a month or two ago that the actual number of Galaxy Tabs delivered to customers was much less than had been reported. How can this cause a 30% reduction in market share when the HIGH number of Galaxy Tabs was < 10% the number of iPads?


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  • dakwar
    Mar 22, 02:48 PM
    I wasn't thinking straight, big deal.

    And Thankfully I'm more successful in life than you'll ever be. Thanks.

    Keep telling yourself that. You'll sleep better at night.

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  • jmbear
    Nov 29, 12:39 PM
    See, that's the catch-22 for new artists. The labels are the ones that get tunes played on the radio. In the 50's and 60's they would strong-arm their stuff in, but I'm sure even nowadays they provide incentives (read: bribes) to get new stuff on the air. Especially if they think the band is really good and will make it in the long run. And don't fool yourself into thinking a new band can get huge without radio.

    The internet can become the new radio. I am quite fond of looking for pre-made playlists, I will get the songs on LimeWire, listen to them, the ones I like, I buy legally, the ones I don�t I delete them. You don�t get commercials, just music. I am not saying that radio is going to dissapear completely. TV didn�t kill it. But its importance will diminish.

    The problem is that the labels get the artists by the balls when they sign them up to ridiculous contracts. Your 1-4 examples look pretty good on paper, but in order to sell any significant number of copies of their music, anyone wanting it (but doesn't know it yet) has to wade through tons of (what that persons sees as) crap just to get any exposure to something they'll consider good. I'm sure there's a lot of music in the indie catalog that I would just love, but I don't have the time to wade through it all to find it. Instead, I'll listen to the radio and when I hear something I like, I'll try to pay attention to who it is. I may or may not end up buying it, or checking out what else they do, but without radio exposure, most good indie bands don't have a chance in hell of selling to anyone except those that happen to be in the bar where they're playing one weekend..

    iTMS could potentially change this. There are some people that will do all the research for you (as in what is good music), then ratings will allow you to get the good songs! It�s similar (and somebody will flame me for saying this) to researching a product on Amazon or CNET, you usually look for a LCD screen, all the results pop, and you will go for the ones with the highest ratings, read the comments and eventually make up your mind. Some day you will look up for electronic music (which I love), all the DJ�s will pop, you will pick the highest rated songs or playlists (because most people like a song because other people like it), listen to their songs for free (yeah, just like radio), and then buy them if you want.

    Now, if you take a look at already established and popular bands, that's a different story. Someone mentioned huge bands like Pink Floyd. Their last couple of CDs didn't need a big label to sell. People were going to buy it if they like Floyd no matter what. And in a case of that kind of popularity, the radio stations were going to play them with or without a major label. The same could be applied to other huge (classic) rock bands, as well as established artists in other music styles (country, rap, R&B, blues, etc...). Another example would be someone like Eric Clapton. He could put one out on "Clapton Records" and would sell nearly, if not exactly, the same number of CDs as he will on a major label..

    I agree record labels + good music = superstars like Calpton, Floyd, U2 etc... But these bands became popular in a different time (before the internet). Internet is changing the record labels� business model, and that is what they afraid of. The new wait of creating bands and distributing their music is not as profitable for them as it used to.

    Unfortunately, the number of artists (of any type of music) that could dismiss the labels and still sell as many CDs and get the same radio exposure are limited. And any new band is going to go nowhere without radio (or MTV/VH1) exposure.

    Internet is offering them exposure. Right now MTV and VH1 are still popular. But YouTube, Yahoo!, MSN could become the new MTV and VH1.

    Not really relevant, but interesting to think about is that most of you have probably seen the video of the ruma ruma guy (I can�t link it because I am at work and the proxie does not allow me to visit YouTube). But how many have actually seen the video for the song? YouTube made that fat kid a star, and most people probably know his face better than the guys that sing the song. Exposure.

    In the end, I don't see the labels going away totally any time soon. They're in cahoots with the big FM music stations and in general, they do a good job of promoting new good bands that sign up. It's just a shame that there's really nothing to keep them from raping the artists. If there were just some way for new bands to get exposure to the masses without having to sell their souls to the labels then things would be better. Unfortunately, the Internet can only go so far in helping a new band with this.

    I agree, they won�t go away anytime soon, but change is coming, and change will be good for artists and consumers, not for the record labels.

    Sorry for my weird grammar or mispells, I am not a native english speaker, I don�t have a spell checker on this computer (in english at least) and I am too lazy to proof read what I wrote lol :)

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  • braddouglass
    Apr 6, 02:48 PM
    That is highly limited thinking. It might be time to open your mind and learn how and why other people might actually want a particular feature rather than assume that they are the person who is limited.

    I, and many others, use our computers for way more than typing.

    A simple example is when I use my MBPro on stage with any number of apps for musical performances.

    Also the sound engineers use MBPro for audio cues,audio mixing, recording, effects processing. The lighting guys use them.

    When you are heavily involved in multitasking you need to be able to see something, identify it and use it, all within a fraction of a second. You are not sitting there touch typing.

    THANK YOU!!!!! That's precisely why I need A back light and no one will understand haha but you get it my friend.

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  • eelpout
    Apr 11, 04:31 PM
    And you'll be complaining about battery life and the Android experience in a few days.
    Spoken like someone who hasn't used a recent Android device. On my Gingerbread phone I lost like what, 10-12% overnight in 8 hours? Battery life isn't an issue anymore. Though it is acceptable to dislike Android for other reasons. ;)

    Apr 11, 01:39 PM
    Yeah, like all those trailblazing Android tablets that are 1-2 years ahead of the iPad, right? :rolleyes:

    I'm talking PHONE. Wait 2 years or so on the tablets and it'll be the same thing. Apple just got too big of a head start on tablets.


    Mar 26, 06:27 PM
    No Rosetta, no sale for me. Not ready to move on.

    I'm glad rosetta is going away. Maybe the dev will finally update the app.

    Apr 25, 04:09 PM

    If Apple is not doing it, then they'll have to explain what is going on.

    How rude and arrogant for them to not come clean and just address the questions head-on.

    They owe us an explanation. We have a right to know what the device do and do not do.

    Aug 17, 02:55 PM
    I have a new 3.0 Intel- just letting you know they are not as close as Rob's test under real world performance. Adobe camera raw really screamed on my G5 and is noticibly slower and a bit buggy on my new Mac Pro. Start up is alot slower, etc, etc. He only tested MP aware processes which isn't the whole picture.

    Have you used cs2s or canon�s raw converters? How do they work?
    What is the general feeling of yours how the new machine works in photog business?

    2 x 2 drive stripe raids.

    So you have 4hdds in total,with 2 of each in raid 0 or what?
    Do you have the os on one pair and scratch on the other pair?

    Ordering the new rig in couple of weeks,so i am buggin you now.

    Nov 28, 08:17 PM
    well their not getting a dollar from my sale cause i don't plan on buying an ipod for a while :D :rolleyes:

    how many ipods does apple sell a year..times a crap load of money

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