sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

robert e lee high school baytown texas

robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E Lee High School
  • Robert E Lee High School

  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 11:45 AM
    The issue is more being concerned about those in abusive relationships and the like. You definitely don't want a physically abusive spouse to have access to your location information.

    Wow, some one who pointed out a realistic, not paranoid theory, reason why this is not a good thing (not that I don't think some people being paranoid have a point. But I also think this scenario is a much more likely to happen reason why the info being stored on the phone unencrypted is a bad thing).

    1. Apple is not tracking you until they actually make the phone send them that info.The info stays on your phone and your computer so you have control over it (well as long as it doesn't get into some one else's hands). I don't even know why this is being discussed since it's not happening.

    2. I think the bigger problem is that the phone doesn't erase this info after a while and it doesn't encrypt it which makes it easier if some one takes your phone to get that info. Leaving it to issues of if people (criminals, abusive spouses, the government) steal your phone or force the info off. It makes it that much easier to them and that much more available.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School.
  • Robert E. Lee High School.

  • radiohead14
    Mar 30, 03:11 PM
    just signed up. the whole process is actually really easy. i was up and running within seconds. i've been buying all my music from amazon for years now, and having the convenience of your digital music automatically sync'd up to your personal locker is great. it even scanned my 104GB music collection within 2 mins! pretty cool

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school
  • robert e lee high school

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 7, 10:18 AM
    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'.

    But they are not! :p

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school
  • robert e lee high school

  • arn
    May 6, 12:21 AM
    At this point, pure rumor, not even vaporware, as vaporware implies the company has actually announced something.

    ARM does have chips that can compete at the very lowest end of x86, such as with the chips presently running Netbooks. But it doesn't have anything even remotely competitive with the mainstream chips. (To use names: They compete with Atom, not with Core.)

    to be fair, the rumor puts this out 2 years, and ARM does have higher-end chips planned.


    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School
  • Robert E. Lee High School

  • kas23
    Apr 26, 04:06 PM
    Android could gain the other 36% of the market and it would still make less money in a year than Apple makes off iTunes alone in a quarter.

    "Android" makes money? Really? Can you provide me with a link of how much Android makes?

    Are we going to be alerted every time one of these companies comes out with something new and surpasses the other? Is this really news anymore? Is it really a rumor about things we care about? I wonder.

    This is not a rumor. It is a fact. And yes, it does concern Apple because whatever erodes into Apple's net revenue will cause them to make a better product.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School.
  • Robert E. Lee High School.

  • poppe
    Aug 3, 11:42 PM
    Wow! Tip of the hat to Apple and Intel. But why aren't the Blue Man on my TV selling the Core 2 Duo? Somebody tell them to put the LSD away and get to a studio.

    And of course, nobody's talking about the elephant in the room. These new chips are SIXTY FOUR BIT BABY. Is 32-bit the new G4? Cuz we all know the G4 is the new G3.

    64-bit OSX by the end of the year perhaps? With quadruple binaries to support the G4, the G5, the Core Duo, and the Core Duo 2? Or will Apple deny us our 64-bit freedom?

    64 Bit has been talked alot about. There is a thread called 64 Bit Core Duo (why not core 2 duo, I don't know) acctually I think, but I know nothing about it so I can't comment. It won't make 32 bit things even close to G4. 64 Bit, from what i've read, isn't really optimized until two things: the operating system is ready to manage it, and the software is designed for it. The Core 2 duo will be faster than the core duo, but for multiple reasons and not only on the 64 bit computing.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Baytown#39;s DJ of the #39;50s,
  • Baytown#39;s DJ of the #39;50s,

  • balamw
    Aug 7, 01:51 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?
    Core 2 Duo (Merom/Conroe) was conspicuosly absent from this Keynote.

    I too hope when the consumer lineup gets Core 2 Duo that they'll fill this gap with either a high end consumer machine or a low end pro.


    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School,
  • Robert E. Lee High School,

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 3, 10:11 AM
    Um, surely you're not that silly.

    He was giving a "SteveQuote" similar to the one from WWDC '05 along the lines of "Oh by the way if you look up here you'll see this whole presentation is running on Intel processors."

    I was confused as well.

    Funny, I like.

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  • Robert E Lee High School is a

  • espoir
    May 6, 03:15 AM
    So many negative opinions but you may not know that ARM architecture is much more advanced then x86. Why do you think Windows 8 will support it? Because it's a future of home computing. And I'm not suprised that Apple considering it too.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?

    And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school
  • robert e lee high school

  • Jazwire
    Apr 24, 07:47 PM
    Please give us retina displays or at least an option for the next Imac refresh.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School.
  • Robert E. Lee High School.

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:54 AM
    Second, I'm not sure what you mean by "We're moving from this era where the expectation should be that Cloud services at a basic level should be incorporated into the product without the vendor resorting to advertisements." If you mean that we should get free Cloud services without ads then I think you're completely wrong and I'm most worried about sites that provide free services and have absolutely nothing but VC cash to pay for it. And if you mean we should have the option of paying for Cloud services to avoid ads, then fine, but you can do that with Gmail, so I don't see why you think MobileMe is any better than Gmail (from the privacy perspective).

    Lastly, I wouldn't lump Google and Facebook together when it comes to privacy. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have made very strong statements about their respect for their users and they understand that without the users they'd have no company. Eric has made a lame-brained comment or two, and Google Buzz screwed up, but they fixed it (and at least when you signed into Gmail they had the option to opt out of it).

    Facebook is a whole different story. Their whole exec branch seems to disregard privacy and they've been rolling out auto-opt-in feature after feature that removes your privacy.

    Eric Schmidt's comments about privacy are disconcerting to me

    �If you have something that you don�t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn�t be doing it in the first place.�

    This is after the whole Google Buzz fiasco. There's money in trying to convince people to be open. Facebook and Google data mine consumer behavior to make money and consumers need to act like they got a good education and understand where they are being used.

    The assumption that those that want privacy are doing something illegal is asinine.

    Zuckerberg (Facebook) on privacy (http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebooks_zuckerberg_says_the_age_of_privacy_is_ov.php)

    Privacy is a lot like Laws. You give it up it's hard to get back.

    Hey it's not a choice for everyone. I'm just at a point in my life where $6 and some change is going to put me out especially when my online data is not being mined for profit. I've been happier than I though I would with my MobileMe account. I'm on the west coast so i'm assuming my data center is in Cali and performance has been fine.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Baytown Lee High School
  • Baytown Lee High School

  • RMMahoney
    Mar 27, 12:08 PM
    Release a new phone and make the people wait for months for the new OS? WTH?

    I thought WebOS and H/Palm already had that market cornered.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School
  • Robert E. Lee High School

  • jvmxtra
    Mar 29, 03:02 PM
    Not everyone has decent internet at home, you know. And those that do might not keep a computer on 24/7. I know that I'm in that situation. Leaving my MacPro on and not asleep 24/7 adds about 400-500 dollars a year to my electrical costs.

    I could get the 500GB paid amazon cloud storage account for that much!

    What do you stream? ok, if it was everything and plus you don't have great internet at home, it might make sense.

    If you only stream music, I can see getting NAS and just stream from home. But ok, it could make sense for someone like you.(weak internet and only mbp which i wouldn't use my precious mbp to be served as server either no matter how good my internet is)

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. Robert E. Lee High School 1969
  • Robert E. Lee High School 1969

  • bryanc
    Sep 11, 11:01 AM
    10 hours? Luxury. I dream of being able to download 2GB in 10 hours.

    It'll take me over 4 days.

    Hrumpf... When I was a lad, we used to have to chisel the ones and zeros into a stone tablet with our fingernails, carry them to and from the server 5 miles through a snowstorm (uphill, both ways), only to have our father delete them, kill us outright, and dance about on our graves singin' hallelujah!


    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school.
  • robert e lee high school.

  • hyperpasta
    Jul 21, 01:53 PM
    Niice. I would assume that they forgo using the 2.0 GHz chip though. Right now, their lineup is pretty solid using two different speeds. Unless the modify the structure of the lineup (as in lower prices), I think it would make sense.

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school.
  • robert e lee high school.

  • mikeapple
    Mar 26, 11:21 PM
    I truly believe who EVER said there will be a 3rd iPad in the fall actually pulled it out of their a**.... like kids, just can't wait and be patient. Now that person has got everyone thinking their will be an iPad 3 in the fall

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. 208 Lilly Ln Baytown, TX 77523
  • 208 Lilly Ln Baytown, TX 77523

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 05:42 PM
    Is there a changelog?

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school
  • robert e lee high school

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 11:49 PM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.Steve does not have to announce any new products to say they are going to shift to Core 2 across the board ASAP. :)

    robert e lee high school baytown texas. robert e lee high school
  • robert e lee high school

  • bloodycape
    Apr 18, 04:47 PM
    A bit OT but didn't BlackBerry successfully sue(or at least come to a large monetary agreement) Palm for copying the look and feel of their keyboard? If so, Apple could get pretty far with is.

    Jul 22, 03:36 AM
    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:


    There's actually been a bit of discussion about this for some time. The debate is whether or not Conroe will be in the iMac upgrade instead of Merom- the computer could probably handle it heatwise, and it would offer a better performance level: 2.4-2.67GHz with a faster FSB than merom.

    My thinking is that if they don't go Conroe now, it'll happen when the 800MT/S FSB Meroms require the socket change next year, forcing a new logic board for the imac anyways.
    I hope it comes sooner though, and with 4GB RAM capacity.

    Apr 21, 03:47 PM
    And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

    Sounds like Lion provides OSX server no extra charge. Wait and see.

    Jul 22, 06:46 PM
    i'm still baffled why nobody's answered my question. anyone with a g5 powermac upgrade to an off the shelf video card yet?

    i wonder about video card compatibility because i don't see a single driver on nvidia or ati for mac. and the specifications for the 1900 xfx and nvidia 7950 both don't even list mac compatibility. this is really making me think twice about buying from apple.

    anyone please help??

    It is definitely more difficult to find video cards for g5 powermacs. If ATI or Apple carry the card you want, then you're just find and it's very easy. I bought an X800 and swapped out my 9600xt for Aperture. Works great and was very easy to install.

    Hopefully with the intel machines it will be easier to find cards, but it will depend on Apple. It is really up to them.

    I've got a 9600XT for sale if anyone wants one :D

    Apr 23, 10:01 PM
    I love retinal operating systems. It's so freakin' futuristic.

    Apr 18, 03:49 PM
    I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.

    And that tab does not look like Apple's style! Where's the sleekness? Where's the smooth lines? Where's the unibody? Where's the subtle curves? Where's the... you get my point. Yuck! That Samsung tablet doesn't seem very Apple-esque! Surmise lawsuit will be settled out of court for first dibs on displays and flash memory or better contract terms on parts Apple buys from Samsung. :apple:

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